Your Online Marketing Stress Reduction Toolkit

Click Here for Your REAL Online Marketing Stress Reduction Toolkit


1.   Print this page and tape to your wall or some other hard surface.
      (Caution: Do NOT tape to your computer monitor!)

2.   Buy the latest “Get R-I-C-H With Internet Marketing” eBook or video course

3.   Lock yourself in your office and work night and day following the instructions in said eBook or course.

4.   Submit help requests to internet guru’s helpdesk.  Wait a week for an answer and repeat.

5.   Try to “make money while you s-l-e-e-p” as your bank account nosedives.

6.   Follow directions in above illustration until unconscious…and stress is gone!

7.   Repeat steps 2-6 until you are forced to get a J-O-B to pay expenses.

OR you can simply CLICK HERE and learn from the best
(with nearly 1 BILLION in internet revenue)!

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