More Students Sound Off

Because you might still be a little skeptical of my unique online prospecting methods, I thought I’d share with you even MORE glowing comments from students of my sold-out live online prospecting secrets class. (This is the same system that I’ve put into the new “Online Prospecting Secrets Six-Week Home Study Course” that’s finally appearing this coming Wednesday in a limited special-addition version).

Here they are:


“…Most of all I appreciate the depth and extensive field of information covered….to have the recordings to refer to will keep the material fresh and available as I can apply and grow with it. I was very impressed with how freely each of the resource persons was with dispenseing information. Also, I would recommend Chris’ teaching to anyone wanting to succeed in business not just mlm opportunities. I would say listen to Chris. Learn from Chris. Apply what Chris teaches. I am pleased with my investment decision and would make it again.

Mary Richardson
Midland, TX


“I have enjoyed the whole series so far from your “Online Prospecting Secrets” class…such a well organized, focused, & useful content class. The entire series has been EXCELLENT and has helped to “reframe” my thinking…

Although I have been utilizing Internet marketing for many years along my network marketing business, I feel that you have offered an incredible amount of content, tips, strategies even for those of us who have been doing this for awhile…

I particularly appreciated the two sessions on e-mails and autoresponders. I think this is where I will see the greatest impact in my business. I have used autoresponders extensively in the past for prospecting and driving people to my web site, I guess I hadn’t thought of using them to [SECRET REVEALED IN HOME-STUDY COURSE]. This will be such a timesaver for me…so obvious…but it just had not occurred to me to set this up as a SYSTEM.

None of this feels like EXTRA WORK…:-), just adding in better ideas to be more efficient and have more FUN instead of having ME to do things over and over…I have also been “Recycling” leads with great results…I brought a gentleman into my business from a lead that was 2 years old ~~Pretty Neat!

I could go on and on about every tip or suggestion, but the overall premise has been to expand my time and energy in ways that will bring my business the greatest returns….an excellent weaving of philosophy and an action plan of things to do.

BRAVO! With great appreciation”

Kaaren Lahaug
Olympia, WA


Don’t forget my recent “OPS Students Speak Out” blog post, where you can read even more raving comments from those who had access to this breakthrough strategoes in the live class.

And remember, in only a few days your chance to access this powerful system will finally be here. It happens at 11:00am (ET) on March 29, 2006, and you can watch the countdown by going to my online prospecting secrets site.

Please understand, I’ve done everything I can to lay this out into an easy-to-understand, A-to-Z system. So when Wednesday rolls around, the next step will be up to you.

Stay tuned for more details!

Chris 🙂

P.S. – Be sure to scroll down and read my “Chris, can I actually afford this?” post. I want to hear your thoughts!

“Chris, can I actually afford this?”

I’ve been getting lots of questions from people wanting more details about the upcoming Online Prospecting Secrets home study course. One of the big questions is: “What’s the price on this gonna be???” (And I’m guessing you’re asking the same question yourself).

Now I’m still working on the final website, “special edition” bonuses and more – but I do want to address your “price” concerns right up front. (I can tell you – you definitely won’t need to take out a special loan from the bank) 😉

But before we get specifically into price – let me warn you that this information is definitely NOT for everybody.

It is FOR YOU if you want a new, painless way to bring fresh prospects into your business. And it is FOR YOU if you want to have a prospecting system set up that brings the prospects to you instead of you having to chase after them. If that’s the case, then I can promise you the system revealed in this course can be responsible for at least an extra six-figure revenue stream or addition to your business (assuming you actually do something with what you learn).

It’s an absolute no-brainer! (Unless you have a ‘know-it-all’, close-minded attitude. Or you like to whine and complain. In that case – please, please do us both a favor and save everyone a bunch of headaches by allowing somebody else to get their “special edition” version and profit from this information. In fact, you should probably stop reading right now. 🙂 )

It is also FOR YOU if you are a just starting out on the Internet and/or in MLM, but you’re very, very serious about building a profitable prospecting system online. This six-week home study course is a golden opportunity to be provided with a true shortcut and roadmap from multiple experts who have all made it happen and who USE what they teach.

So back to the original question – what kind of price tag should I put on this information?

To be honest, this is going to be one of the biggest bargains you’re going to get from me. Truth be told, all of the guest experts charge anywhere between $500 to $725 per hour for consulting (assuming you could even hire them – in many cases, you can’t). So with over 13.5 hours of A-to-Z training, it would cost you a very real $6,750.00 to hire all of us to teach you this system.

One colleague argued that I should consider charging half of that price ($3,375.00) for the step-by-step course. I seriously considered it, but in the end I decided against that. I wanted to put this into the hands of serious folks WITHOUT price being a barrier. (When I was first starting out with the Internet, something that pricey would have been a huge stretch for me. So I know how you feel!)

That’s why I’m thinking of only charging just $997. That’s a big savings off the true value and this should put it into the reach of anyone who really needs and wants it. That’s a drop in the bucket when you consider this is a REAL automated business system I’m teaching you.

Plus, to make it even more affordable I’m even toying around with the idea of a payment plan. Of course, payment plans are a big accounting headache (bleh!) but I think it would really help some people who are on the fence.

Now none of this is set in stone yet so don’t hold me to it.

I’m not 100% sure about the price, or that I’ll offer a payment plan. However since I’ve had so many people asking me about the price – I wanted to take you behind the scenes a bit and give you a peek into what I’m thinking. If you’d like to voice your opinion, please post some comments below. This is your chance to weigh in!

And stay tuned for more updates over this weekend!

Chris 🙂

P.S. – Right now, I’m in DC as a VIP guest at Yanik Silver’s Underground Online Seminar (the premier advanced Internet marketing event). If you’re at the event yourself, please come up to me in the back and say “hi”! And if you can’t find me, just ask someone for the online prospecting ninja. 😉

Sneak Peek VIDEO Just Released

This is exciting!

I just got my hands on the final "home study" version of Online Prospecting Secrets. There’s something really thrilling when you see your ideas and information come to life (and arrive on your doorstep, to boot!).

Now, I know you’ll see the whole package for yourself very soon, but I got so excited opening it myself…I simply had to show you it now!

But there’s a twist…

You see, a lot of people like to snap a "spy" photo of their product and then throw it up online. I think that’s a little overdone…and well, boring.

That’s why I used this as an excuse to buy a new video camera (remember, I’m a guy – any excuse to buy a new gadget). And I just put together my first online sneak peek VIDEO!

It’s a short video – only about 2 minutes or so, and it’ll give you a glimpse into how comprehensive "OPS" is (and especially how exciting it will feel when your copy arrives at your doorstep).

This is what the core training package (15 CDs, binders, videos, reports, etc.) looks like. Just push the PLAY button (the little arrow) below and make sure you have your speakers turned up (Note:You Must have the latest version of FREE Flash Player Installed (Version 7 or Later) You can upgrade FREE by Clicking Here Now!)….

That video is of what you’ll actually be receiving in the mail. I need to finish up the fast-start checklist and prepare a few more items in the online student area, and then everything is all set to go for you.

The only difference between this and the actual package you’ll get is that when you act right away next week, you’ll get a limited "special edition" version. Which means there are other advanced bonuses you’ll receive (2 are shipped to you)…but I can’t tell you about those just yet. I *just* decided to add them to the package last minute, so stay tuned while I iron out the details.

Talk to you soon!

Chris 🙂

P.S. — Special thanks to Jim Edwards’ and Mike Stewarts’ Website Video course which literally taught me everything I used to make this fun, cool, Disney-esque video! (Actually, this is my first online video ever…so thanks, guys!)

P.P.S. — You know, I’ve NEVER seen someone do a video like this before…so you may be witnessing the first-ever info-product sneak peek video online.

P.P.P.S. — Click "comments" below to…….well, you guessed it…….leave your comments! 🙂

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