The Most Powerful Business to Have

There are fundamentally only four types of businesses:

1: PRODUCT Driven
2: SERVICE Driven
3: MARKET Driven
4: SYSTEMS Driven

Only the third puts the focus where it needs to be: on the customer. Instead of asking: how can we sell this thing we want to sell? – it’s smarter to ask:

What does our customer or prospective customer (passionately) desire? And how we give it to him?

As customers, we’d be a lot happier if more businesses were focused outward, on us, instead of inward, on themselves.

Lee Iaccoca once told me that, at Chrysler, and throughout the auto industry, the focus was always on more appealing physical designs, new grilles, more efficient engines, better safety, dashboard features. When they were designing the mini-van, they spent an inordinate amount of time talking with mothers of three kids, car pool parents, and similar consumers about what they really would like to have in a van.

The #1 winner: cup-holders.

He later said they won big by selling $20,000.00 cup-holders with a van attached. That’s what I mean by being Market-Driven.

— Dan Kennedy

Dan Kennedy is an author, consultant and business coach. Additional information at

More Free Events

It’s very early, so I’ll make this short and sweet. πŸ™‚

If you remember, last year I was invited to one of the guest experts for Hilton Johnson’s MLM Teleclass program. Well, they’ve been hounding me for the last couple months to do another call (the last one I did on my Internet secrets was a packed call.)

And finally, I said YES!

So next month I’ll be returning to MLMU’s teleclass program to join a team of other top-flight trainers like Susan Berkley, Robert Butwin, Hilton Johnson and more!

And yours truly will be hosting a call 7/25 @ 9PM (ET) – and I’ll be grilled by a special guest interviewer.

To get access to the call(s), you’ll need to sign up right away! These complimentary trainings “sell out” every month – so you don’t want to delay and miss out.

For all of the details, go to:

To Your Success,

Chris Zavadowski πŸ™‚

P.S. — If you’re frustrated with trying to build your business, it’s time to get yourself some fresh tactics – so hop on over and sign up!

Things Are Lookin’ Up: Stock Market Hits All-Time High

Last month, on May 5th, the stock market hit an all-time high. Most retailers reported April and first quarter sales exceeding that of the prior year, and in a couple cases, flirting with records. Wal-Mart and Costco, historically negatively affected by high prices at the gas pump, had exceptionally strong April sales. Unemploymentat 4.7%, effectively 1.7% after deducting the permanent unemployed number.

In a one hour newscast on CNN monitored this day, all this news, combined, got six minutes!

The news of high gas prices alone got fourteen minutes.

On the day you read this, the specific statistics may be as good, up or a bit down, but overall, the American economy appears strong.

The stock market numbers are of direct importance to a majority of Americans, as, today, more are investors than ever before in history, directly as well as through 401(K) plans and other pension plans, IRA’s, college funding plans, etc.

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