Breakthrough free event this Thursday

Chris Zavadowski here with a time-sensitive update…

I wanted to let you know about an absolutely free, LIVE *webinar* I’m holding with my good friend and special guest Jim Edwards…the world’s top mini-site expert.

It’s happening THIS Thursday, October 12, 2006 at 7:00pm (ET) exclusively for my valued clients and subscribers.

On this breakthrough free event, using the latest webinar technology, you won’t only discover what’s working with prospecting mini-sites today (and why you simply MUST be using them in your business) BUT…most importantly…I’ll be getting Jim to reveal the “3 Killer Trends for Prospecting Mini-Sites in 2007!” (These are as good as cash in the bank once you learn them.)

Plus not only will you be able to hear me grilling Jim, but you’ll also get to SEE and WATCH it happening in real time on your computer screen, complete with LIVE examples!

Properly applied, these strategies will allow you to have an autopilot, never-ending flow of MLM prospects and customers. (In fact, the powerful tricks and strategies you’ll discover on this call are the cornerstone of my groundbreaking Online Prospecting Secrets system!)

We only received 250 spots for this event (and 2 are already taken by Jim and me). That means there are *only* 248 spots left. So there’s a very good chance this will be completely SOLD OUT (like EVERY single other event I’ve hosted in the last 3 years).

Grab your seat here:

Since there’s zero cost for this one-time-only event, I expect this will be completely booked in no time flat.

Don’t delay and kick yourself later.

See you Thursday evening,

Chris Z 🙂

P.S. – No one else is teaching these step-by-step insider methods…so if you’ve ever wanted to use the Internet in your network marketing business, this is one free event you don’t want to miss!

What It Takes To Create A Great Salesperson

Book of the month: SELLING IS EVERYONE’S BUSINESS: What It Takes To Create A Great Salesperson

Do you have one or more downline members? Then the two most important things you can do for them are: relieve them of much of their prospecting duties via direct marketing and “attraction marketing”, and, embrace the role of coach, and accept the responsibility of continuous coaching.

In this book, sales training consultants Steve Johnson and Adam Shaivitz lay out a simple, sensible regimen for managing and coaching salespeople (or yourself) to top performance, including a “coaching model”, goal setting and accountability forms, and examples. While the premise of “creating a great salesperson” or “downline member” is flawed – because, ultimately, all effective motivation is self-motivation and a successful salesperson creates himself – the strategies in the book for assisting salespeople/downline distributors in their efforts to excel are practical and important.

Available in bookstores or get information at or

Profile of Success: Dick Benson

Dick Benson was one of the great direct marketing pioneers, starting in 1947 at Time-Life. In 1954, he encouraged and consulted with a group of publishers and celebrated authors in creating American Heritage Magazine, which, just 6 years later, had an eye-popping 365,000 paid subscribers. As a result, the magazine’s editor, Bruce Catton was able to sell over 250,000 copies of his book on the Civil War entirely by direct-mail. (Which is one of the reasons I teach postcard techniques in – it’s THAT powerful!)
In 1969, Benson took a tiny kitchen table publication, The Contest Newsletter (about entering and winning contests and sweepstakes) and built it to 750,000 subscribers. And, at his death in 1996, he was doing it again with a health newsletter, quickly built to 800,000 subscribers. His strategies of selling newsletter subscriptions by mail have broad application to selling anything by mail, and can be found in his book ‘Secrets Of Successful Direct-Mail’, published by Boardroom Books (

Some quick Benson tips: A 2-time buyer is twice as likely to buy again as is a 1-time buyer. (So let your customers know what else they can be buying from you and your company!) Memberships sell and renew better than subscriptions, by 10% or more. Long copy is better than short copy. Two premiums/bonus gifts are usually better than one….so what bonuses are you including when people join you? How do you stand out?

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