Thanks — No Thanks

Because I’m a marketing guy, as a consumer, I keep track of odd things, consciously and deliberately, that affect most people only subconsciously or subliminally. For example, in 2005 to date, I have patronized and spent money with 47 new businesses or professionals for the first time, made over 60 different purchases above $500.00, and referred customers or clients to 11 different businesses – and I have received thank-you notes from only 6, thank you gifts from 2. I have actually sent thank-you notes to more vendors than I’ve received!

In 2005, I made significant contributions to 11 different charities, most of them small entities. I received mass-produced, “stock” thank you notes with solicitations for additional contributions from 5, handwritten, personal thank-you’s from 3. In 2006, I have dropped 3 charities entirely, and redirected most of my giving to 3. Can you guess which 3?

It has now become increasingly common for businesses to send mass-produced thanksgiving cards (usually in lieu of Christmas cards). But what about the other eleven months of the year?

Have you ever fantasized about being a counterfeiter and getting away with it? Having a printing press in your basement and just printing up all the money you might need?

The currency you can legally print is: the thank you note.

— Dan Kennedy

Dan Kennedy is an author, consultant and business coach. Additional information at

Things Are Lookin’ Up: Minimum Wage Woes?

Think we live in a tough economy? Think again. Look at these up-to-date stats…
59% of all Americans are directly or indirectly (via 401K’s and pensions) invested in the stock market: an all-time high in percentage of population who, in October, benefited from stock market highs.

Gas prices dropped last month, as much as 50-cents a gallon. And the much predicted stall in home construction failed to materialize; in fact, there was 4% growth (Incidentally, the average new home is 2,434 square feet, 62% larger than the average home built in 1970, according to the National Association of Home Builders – we’re livin’ large!). Only one sector of the American economy seems to have serious trouble: the old big 3 automakers.

A great deal of noise has recently been made (again) about the urgent need to raise the minimum wage, so these facts may be of interest: only 2.7% of hourly paid employees and 1.1% of salaried employees are paid at minimum wage level. Approximately 30% of that is tied to “entry level jobs” occupied by people entering the workforce for the first time, second jobs, and completely unskilled workers. The hospitality and leisure industries have the highest percentage of these workers – and that includes seasonal employment at resorts and amusement parks.

Factoring all this together, the best estimates are that fewer than 2% of American workers are in minimum wage jobs as their full-time employment/career, from which they are attempting to support families. (Sources: Bureau Of Labor Statistics; Employment Research)

So next time you hear your TV, your newspaper or your friends and family saying times are hard…think again. There’s more opportunity and wealth than ever before – take a look at the facts!

Do You Make These 38 Mistakes With Your Credit?

Are these mistakes surprising to you? What don’t you know that you should about… transferring credit balances to get a better rate? Applying for a home equity credit line? Rate shopping the wrong way? Using personal credit for your business? Closing accounts?

Expert Stephen Snyder reveals inside secrets of credit scores, so you avoid mistakes that worsen your score and do the right things to optimize your score… to expand borrowing power, get the lowest interest rates and best terms, which means improving your lifestyle. This is doubly important to business owners who have to be concerned with both their company’s credit status as well as their own. Stephen has appeared on CNNfn, CNBC, Bloomberg TV, in Newsweek and The Wall Street journal as America’s leading credit scores expert. His book, Do You Make These 38 Mistakes With Your Credit?, is available at bookstores,, or get info at and

While it’s a VERY quick 20 minute read, you’ll pick up a few new tips and ideas that are guaranteed to help you keep your scores high (which helps your business and personal credit).

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