3 Quick & Easy Ways to Get Webinar Content

It’s a fact…

Webinars ARE the new teleseminars. (It seems like everyone  and their uncle has finally gotten onboard and started  doing them now for the last few years.) Which means they  are definitely NOT a passing fad.

In fact, we recently surveyed our customers and subscribers about webinars.

Get this…

Out of 569 responses, a full 87.9% have attended a webinar before…but only 12.3% have ever presented a webinar. So people see the power of webinars — and keep attending them  — but for one reason or another are unsure about how to do  present a webinar themselves.

Now out of those who have never presented a webinar (which is pretty much EVERYONE surveyed) 77.2% said they wanted to know HOW to do one!

Considering the survey told us every stumbling block and  webinar question you have, we’ve decided to put together a  series of totally free videos for you all about creating, producing and cashing in from webinars to sell more of YOUR  products and services.

In Video #1, we’ll share with you 3 quick and easy ways to get content for a kick-butt profitable webinar.

Check it out here:
http://www.webinarsecrets.com/blog/ [No Longer Available]

Be sure to leave us your feedback, too!

Talk to you soon,

Chris 🙂

P.S. – If you enjoy this video, be sure to sign up for our  upcoming “Insider Webinar Strategies v2.0” LIVE, free  webinar happening Monday, October 12, 2009!

And stay tuned for more videos over the coming days!

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