Virginia Tech: Today, We Are All Hokies

Virginia Tech TearsAs many of you know, I hold two degrees from Virginia Tech – the same school where the massacre happened on April 16, 2007.As a Virginian and a Virginia Tech graduate (and also someone who worked there as a guest artist and staff member), I’ve been shocked at the global reach this tragedy has had. Within a day, people from all over the globe were sending me messages offering their support and love.

Fortunately, as of right now, I’m not directly connected with any of the Virginia Tech victims. But after what happened on Monday to the entire “Hokie” family, and what has happened to our country and world as a result of this….we’re ALL victims of this horrendous, insane act.

It’s hard to sit here and type this as I think of the same buildings I walked through being devastated by this. It brings tears to my eyes to read the millions of posts online. From MySpace, to Facebook, Youtube, VT’s memorial sites and more…it’s amazing to see the outstretched arms of so many people.

I ask all of you to take a moment of silence on Friday (day of mourning for this tragedy) and send your love and prayers out to everyone affected by this. There’s also a national “Hokie Effect” day happening on Friday where people around the world are wearing the Orange and Maroon colors to honor those we lost. I encourage you to participate in that if at all possible.

And most importantly, be sure to hug your loved ones today and tell them “I Love You” – for in these crazy times, we never know what the next minute holds.

“We are strong enough to stand tall tearlessly, we are brave enough to bend to cry, and we are sad enough to know that we must laugh again…We will prevail…We are Virginia Tech.” — Nikki Giovanni

Please take a moment to leave your comments, thoughts and prayers about this event below if you wish.

Today, we are all Hokies.

God Bless,

Chris 🙁


  1. Matt says:

    Lets go Hokies!!! Lets go Hokies!!! Lets go Hokies!!! Lets GO!

  2. Lara says:

    As a Hokie, it is unbelievable that one of our own could do this. This school is a place that every Hokie, regardless of any other circumstance, loves. It is a place that holds such a special and dear meaning to all of us. Even though we all come from different backgrounds, our stories are so similar about how we chose Virginia Tech. Our stories always include, “I came to the campus, and I just fell in love with it.” It is a common bond we all share. I am devastated that this person came into our home and hurt our Hokies. Our school is, in my opinion, one of the best places there is. Now people will associate this tragedy with us, instead of our groundbreaking research or our phenomenal faculty and staff, or our tremedenous Hokie pride. Well, maybe they will see our Hokie pride after all of this… I wish it was for a different reason. It’s a pride that was always there and alive every second before this event occurred. Anyone that went on campus could have seen it at any time before this happened. It’s so sad that this is the reason our pride will become well-known. The support of the entire nation… other universities.. and other countries is so heartwarming. My thoughts, prayers and dreams are with the families and friends of each victim. This has touched my soul in a way that I don’t even know how to verbalize. I hope this post is clear… there are just no words when someone commits such a horrible betrayal, but thankfully we have our strong bond and love for each other. I love all my Hokies.

  3. Soosan says:

    It was sickening to listen to the radio on Monday, and hear the news hour by hour as it went from one to so many more. I know so many people who went to VA Tech and loved the school so much. My husband and I had the chance to visit Tech when my little brother did his internship there. We were impressed with the campus and the town that surrounded it.

    Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and the families of the victims. God bless them all.

  4. Vince says:

    It is too bad that Nikki Giovanni is trying to use this situation as a platform to promote her own political agenda. It is supposed to be about the victims, not Giovanni’s political ideology.

  5. Adrian says:

    My heart goes out to all those who have lost loved ones in this senceless tragedy.
    I am a firm believer in the human spirit and know that the students and families of VA Tech and will overcome this dark moment.

  6. Dylan says:

    My Prayers go out to the entire hokie nation.

    ~once a hokie ALWAYS a hokie

    ~~~We are all HOKIES today!!!!!!!!!!!~~~

  7. Patrick says:

    I was just checking out your blog. My son was a graduate of VT and a former football player. My heart and love go out to ever one at VT. They will come back stronger.

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