Let’s Connect Directly, Shall We?

Hope you’re doing well and enjoying my “Instant Profit Secrets” blog!

Just wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know about a few other fun ways I’d like to connect and interact directly with YOU using the latest online tools.

While some of my business colleagues have been calling “social networking” silly and a waste of time (you know, sites like Facebook, Twitter, Myspace), I’ve been using it for awhile to connect with long-lost friends, family, colleagues and more (I’ve even had a few ex-gfs find me, but we won’t go there…LOL).

But before I talk about that…


Don’t write these sites off yourself as something just for ‘kids’.  Believe it or not, the fastest growing demographic on Facebook is the “Over 35” crowd.

And get this: By the end of this year, eMarketer estimates that a whopping 44.3% of the US Internet users will belong to social networks online.

In fact in other large, developed countries (such as Australia, United Kingdom, Canada, Hong Kong, Denmark, Netherlands, etc.) the percentage of their population *already* using social networking is OVER 20% according to Social Media Tracker’s latest study.

What’s this all mean to you?

If you want to build your business online and truly connect with your audience, prospects and more…this is a totally free tool you should definitely be checking out.

That’s why in the past year or two I’ve started to connect even more with subscribers, clients and students.  It’s a way to build relationships and interactions (and friends) beyond just email newsletters and blog comments.

(Plus, as a side benefit, you can connect with MY friends and many of my top marketing buddies.  Who knows what types of new friendships you could make!)

So let’s ‘connect’ shall we? 😉

Here are 2 main ways you can connect with me in the new Web 2.0 world:

1) TWITTER — It’s a form of micro-blogging limited to 140-character mini-updates. (Similar to the “status” feature on Facebook and Myspace if you know what they are).  It’s also the fastest growing social networking site.  In 2008 alone, it grew 343%!

Right now I’ve been using it for both personal updates along with a few business things, but if you want to see what I’m doing and “Follow” me on there, sign up for a free account.  It’s quick, painless and fun – and allows us to interact even more.

Here’s my Twitter page:

Just click the FOLLOW button on it.

(BEWARE: Considering you can send it updates from your cell phone, IM or the web, it can become addicting to use!) 😉

2) FACEBOOK — I’ve been on Facebook for years now (I snuck in with my old Virginia Tech email address…long before FB was opened to the public…hehe).

Facebook is an amazing, fun way to connect with people…and find long-lost friends and relatives.  I’ve lost count of how many buddies I’ve “rediscovered”.  Plus with groups, fan pages, “walls”, unlimited picture hosting and more…you can do a great amount of business networking there also.

You can add me as a “friend” here:

(Or search for “Chris Zavadowski”)

Be sure to add me on both sites — I look forward to interacting with you more.

Catch you on the flip side!

Chris 🙂

P.S. – My profiles on these sites are NOT all business. They are a hodgepodge of personal and just plain fun, too, So in case you ever wonder what’s going on in my world aside from when I update my blog or email – you can follow along!



P.P.S. – ComScore puts the worldwide growth rate for all social networking at 25% in the last year alone. Don’t get left in the dust of these important online tools. I encourage you to check them out today.

I Couldn’t Believe My Eyes!

I couldn’t believe my eyes when someone sent me this.   It’s truly amazing the kind of reach you can have on the Internet now.

Please click on the graphic below to open up the news site and see the segment that just ran today…

Chris Zavadowski News Coverage

Please leave your comments on this below!

Your Online Marketing Stress Reduction Toolkit

Click Here for Your REAL Online Marketing Stress Reduction Toolkit


1.   Print this page and tape to your wall or some other hard surface.
      (Caution: Do NOT tape to your computer monitor!)

2.   Buy the latest “Get R-I-C-H With Internet Marketing” eBook or video course

3.   Lock yourself in your office and work night and day following the instructions in said eBook or course.

4.   Submit help requests to internet guru’s helpdesk.  Wait a week for an answer and repeat.

5.   Try to “make money while you s-l-e-e-p” as your bank account nosedives.

6.   Follow directions in above illustration until unconscious…and stress is gone!

7.   Repeat steps 2-6 until you are forced to get a J-O-B to pay expenses.

OR you can simply CLICK HERE and learn from the best
(with nearly 1 BILLION in internet revenue)!

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