Achieving Your Personal Freedom as a Maverick Entrepreneur

Hi there,

With Independence Day just around the corner in the U.S. – it’s the perfect chance to think about *your* independence, regardless if you celebrate on July 4th or not. And for just that reason, I have 2 exciting things to share with you…

#1- ‘7 Keys to Achieving Your Personal Freedom as a Maverick Entrepreneur”

As you may recall, I’m Yanik Silver’s business partner in Maverick Business Insider.  Well last weekend, Yanik and I got together to create an awesome new video detailing some of his best fundamental keys that have made him a millionaire online.  And we *just* released this fun new video!

Not only does he give you tons of excellent, actionable info but it’s pretty funny too. Wait til you see my special hat that he’s wearing and the cool behind-the-scenes footage of his place.

Check it out here:
Maverick Freedom Video

It’s 40+ minutes of awesome content without requiring an email or anything like that. Just check it out and see what you think.

#2 – ‘Freedom’ Video Contest Results

On that same page you can see the finalists in last week’s contest we sponsored all about ‘freedom’. There are some really incredible submissions and these are the 5 winners. Good stuff!

So take a few minutes to check it all out:
Maverick Freedom Video

Enjoy your 4th of July!

Chris Zavadowski 🙂

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