Do You Make These 5 Mistakes With Your Business?

Chris here with a follow-up from Tuesday’s “Independence” email and article…Business Mistakes

As promised, I twisted a few arms to nail down online business experts and authors of the “7 Figure Code”, Mike Filsaime and Tom Beal. In fact, we grilled them for an hour or so about…“The Top 5 Mistakes People Make When Building a 7-Figure Business (and How to Avoid Them!)”

This is breakthrough information about what it takes to treat your home business as a *real* business, not a side project or hobby (and it’s also what separates the mega-successful in our industry from those who struggle for years and years and never get anywhere.)

And because you’re a valued subscriber, you get *exclusive* access to the FREE replay of this “closed door” webinar!

Click Here for the “5 Biggest Mistakes” Webinar Replay

On the webinar we went in-depth into the 5 areas that hold most people back from building a real business, including:

— Why most people focus on the wrong thing, what this one “thing” is… and how it spells painful failure if you make this mistake (as most people do)…

— A new buzzword (“outtasking”) and a closer look into this critical strategy you almost never hear anyone talking about!…

— How understanding “hedgehogs” can make you insanely rich and happy (and why being “foxy” leaves you poor and constantly struggling just to get by)…

— Why the “one-man-band” mindset DOOMS YOU to stay in the minor leagues instead of up swinging with the heavy hitters…

— How to harness the power of your “<ONLY REVEALED IN WEBINAR REPLAY>” to crank up your success (instead of allowing it to sabotage your success as most do)…

— And much, MUCH more!

Now since this webinar replay does contain some of the real “insider” info that Mike and Tom reveal in their new course, I honestly don’t know how long they’ll let me leave this replay up.

That means you should watch it now because once their new course, “The 7 Figure Code” launches tonight, I’m not sure if they’ll make us pull it down or not.

==> Click Here for the “5 Biggest Mistakes” Webinar Replay

Be sure to leave your comments below about the video!


Chris Zavadowski πŸ™‚

P.S. – This exclusive webinar replay has real meat in it, and we could easily have charged $47-$97 for it. Even though they are right in the middle of a huge project, we twisted Mike and Tom’s arms to join us for this special event and reveal this incredibly valuable and thought-provoking material.

Don’t miss out on this free gift. Watch the replay now:
Click Here for the “5 Biggest Mistakes” Webinar Replay

P.P.S. – Even though we talk about “online business” a lot in this video, it directly applies to YOUR network marketing business, now more than ever.

As you watch this, you’ll want to keep asking yourself, “How can I apply each idea to MY networking business?”. That’s when you’ll start experiencing great shifts and breakthroughs!


  1. Bob Murphey says:

    Yes Chris,

    I watched the Webinar and found it to be chucked full of great information. You and Jim make a great team. Some of your students, including me, have swore to be able to present as well as the two of you. πŸ™‚

    Now about this course of Mikes. I am asking you to take your sales hat off for a min. and tell me in 25 words or less why I should buy this course. Yes, I know what they said in the interview, but I want to hear your personal thoughts, after all you indicated you had picked up some pointers you are going to implement.

    I am interested in facts and not the usual raw, raw, great, sales pitch info. So just clear the air with the straight facts.

    Such things as, Are the facts presented well enough that one can follow and implement reaching a positive result.

    Remember I am an electrician so it isn’t the drama, but rather the electrifying results I am after.

  2. Hi Bob,

    The reason I like it is like I wrote in the emails I sent out this weekend…it talks about treating your business (no matter what it is) like a REAL business. There are a lot of things they covered that you really don’t hear people talking about in a formal setting (ie tax issues, segmenting income, how to focus on right opportunities, etc). Plus they pulled back the curtain in a MAJOR way on their own business.

    And frankly, I think the price is a major steal for this content (when Tom told me the price at Yanik’s seminar…I was honestly shocked…especially since so many people had been raving about the seminar).

    So those are more that 25 words, but hope that helps. It’s a lot more critical foundation material…instead of tactics like Adwords, Adsense, Articles, etc. (which is the trap most people fall into). It’s not really a decision I can make for you, but I rarely promote other products or courses…so that should say something. Whether you get it or not is up to you. (I’m not a fan of the insane product launch hype if you couldn’t tell by the bonus we offered, etc.)

    And…thanks for your positive comments – glad you enjoyed that free webinar. Whether or not someone gets their course, the webinar had an hour of great “meat” to it (I picked up a few things myself interviewing them).

    Hope that helps Bob!

    Chris πŸ™‚

  3. Jonathan Allen says:

    Chris, thanks for the webinar you did…I waited until midnight to buy through your link because of it and i am looking forward to making my business that big now too. — Jon

  4. William Humphreys says:

    Hello Chris :
    Its good to here whats really going on in MLM and how you can make money in MLM.
    Since I sat at your table in 2002 at the Super Internet Convention I see you have come along way. I tried to keep in touch with you and give you my ideas. But it seems as everytime I called your assitant redirected me else where.

    Since 2002 I have lost my locks and contintue to surf the web.
    Bill Humphreys

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