Three Secrets to Mega-Success (Part 1 of 3)

Dear Friend,

Wow – summer is already over, along with three-fourths of the year!

Now, usually I would send this out as a postcard just to clients – but I wanted to try something a little different so that all of my customers and subscribers could read it. Not to mention, the topics in this issue are near and dear to my heart (and my success).

Hopefully in the last 9 months of 2004 you’ve been exponentially increasing your business. I know my profits have only been going up and up each month – the opportunity this year is ripe for the picking. Contrary to the media propaganda, the economy is creating more wealth than ever (and has been for awhile now).

And I’m loving every minute of it – in fact, I’ve been able to spend more time traveling, goofing off and playing computer games than ever before.


…I’m almost ashamed to admit it (notice I said ALMOST), but I love games – especially the recent Call of Duty (if you play that too, let me know!). Doesn’t get much more fun than that!

In fact, I usually play with some other top business owners…and we actually mastermind on the phone while playing. Perfect mix of business and pleasure (although my girlfriend might not agree).

Listen, you can call it childish. but…

Isn’t this why we have our own businesses?
For the LIFESTYLE they give us?

Opportunity abounds. And EVERYONE should be digging in to get their slice of the pie. It’s sad for me when I see people I know "stuck" in a rut, complaining about their lot in life (but you and I both know – it’s THEIR choice to be there). I’m sure you have friends like that too, right? Unfortunately all you can do is point the way, or invite them on the ride with you.

That’s why this month’s newsletter is the beginning of a three-part series about the "head" stuff. You can call it a little bit of "woo woo" or whatever you want, but it works. Every successful person I know will agree with the points below.

So without further delay, let’s hop into this very special Instant MLM Profit Secrets issue that I prepared for you…

What’s Instant MLM Profit Secrets, you might ask?

Good question…

You see, I spend tons of money buying new information
(over $15,000.00 last year alone), checking out new products,
attending seminars, reviewing material people send,
reading a bunch of books and newsletters, etc.

to keep up with the trends in network marketing and business, I’ve decided to share with you what’s new, what’s hot and
what’s going on inside "Instant MLM Profit Secrets" newsletter. You’ll find this filled with resources, tips, and stuff I
recommend. Just about every month, I’ll let you know about the cool stuff I’ve come across and want to share (unless you’re nuts and unsubscribe). πŸ™‚

Let’s get started…


In Your September 2004 Issue…

— My "Three Secrets to Mega-Success"

— Another FREE Gift for You and Your Downline

— Advanced Notice for Killer Upcoming MLM Tool

— Get Your Free Multi-Media Marketing Tips

— Books and Resources You Should Check Out

— Latest Success Stories


"Three Secrets to Mega-Success" (Part 1 of 3)

by Chris Zavadowski

I’ll be the first to admit it…

I’m not a genius. My SAT scores weren’t the highest. I didn’t have a perfect 4.0 GPA in college (but I was pretty close). And I don’t even have a formal "business degree."

So – how the heck did I graduate at the top of my class, start my first (profitable!) business at 14, go on to become successful in MLM, work and perform at venues like the Kennedy Center and Signature Theatre and even start my own marketing company serving MLMers?

Glad you asked. πŸ˜‰

I’ve finally decided to let you in on my secrets.

You see, for years my friends and family always called me "lucky". But the kicker is – I don’t believe in luck.

I think it was Earl Nightingale who said "luck is when opportunity meets preparation", right? So instead of calling someone "lucky" – we should just say they’ve been prepared to spot opportunities.

How? By having the right mindset.

Let me explain…

Recently, I was asked to speak for a group of hand-picked entrepreneurs in a special apprenticeship program (some of them paying up to $7,000.00 to be part of the year-long home business program).

And in preparing for that talk, I was forced to look at my daily success activities that allow me to play games, travel and keep the alarm clock turned off.

Now, fortunately for you – you don’t have to pay $7,000.00 to hear what I came up with. You’re going to get my top 3 "secrets" for FREE right here in "Instant MLM Profit Secrets"!

(Note: I sure as heck didn’t invent any of these secrets, but instead picked them up from MY mentors over the years. Just because they may seem simple, don’t mistake the fatal mistake of discounting their power. Use them and profit from them.)

Success Secret #1: One Pro-Active Thing A Day

I learned from one of my mentors, Dan Kennedy, to always do one pro-active thing a day. Every single day of the year. And when I follow that advice – it has had a great impact on my sales and bottom line.

You know – it doesn’t even matter if you have a 9-5 job or work full-time from home. EVERY person can do one pro-active thing a day.

I know, I know. This may sound TOO easy to do…but that makes it just as easy not to do.

Take this advice to heart. Not a day goes by (okay, maybe one or two do!) where I’m not doing something to bring in new customers and clients for my businesses. Whether it’s doing a sit-down presentation or finding a new affiliate – it doesn’t matter.

Like clockwork. Every single day.

But BEWARE! The danger here is to SKIP it one day and tell yourself you’ll double up on the next day. Don’t do it! The temptation is great, I know – but you’re programming your mind for procrastination and indecision.

Instead, get up each morning and give yourself ONE important activity to do for that day for your business. It could be calling a prospect, finding a new affiliate, one 3-way call. Almost anything. Don’t let yourself go to bed until you’ve done it.

And what’s the end result?

You’ll program your mind for action and success. <– That’s what makes this so powerful! Even if you’re having a "bad" day, you’ve still reached your one goal and had a win by the time you go to bed. Believe me, your subconscious is taking note!

Do this for a year…no…make that only 30 days. Do this for just 30 days and you’ll be amazed how you feel and the results you can accomplish.

Side Bar: Want to be super-successful? Include READING and LISTENING as part of your daily activities. Every single day read 10 pages of a good book and listen to 15 minutes of a tape or CD. (It’s the closest you can come to barely doing any real work and still improving yourself.)

It was Michael Clouse who taught me to stick a CD player in my bathroom on top of my toilet. And I’ll tell you – it’s one of the greatest self-improvement tips I’ve picked up! Every day when showering and getting dressed, all you’llI have to do is pus "play" and better yourself. Doesn’t get much easier than that.

I know I just gave you a potpourri of things to think about, so here’s how you can immediately apply this to YOUR daily routine…

1) Buy a stack of 3×5 cards. In the morning, write down your ONE goal for the day. Carry it around with you. And don’t go to bed until it’s done.

2) READ each day. 10 pages. Or one chapter. Or 30 minutes. It doesn’t matter the amount as long as you’re consistent and regular. (And when I said read – it’s not the tabloids or the negative news. It’s something that improves your skills and expands your thinking!)

3) Buy yourself a cheap boombox for your bathroom. Stick it on the toilet. And listen to a positive tape or CD each day. Again, it’s the consistent action that will get you the results.

And there you have it – the first of my three success secrets that’ll give you "magic" results.

Now, I promise you, there are people who are reading this saying "oh yeah, that, I’ve heard that before" but they won’t do a damn thing with the information….and most likely they are the same people NOT achieving the mega-success.

Don’t be one of them.

Try these quick and easy activities until I send you Success Secret #2 and see how you feel!

Your business (and bank account) will thank you!

— Chris πŸ™‚

(c) Copyright 2004, – All Rights Reserved.

Note: If you’d like to reprint this article you have
permission to do so as long as the copyright information
and the resource box below remains with the article

If a friend forwarded you this article, you can sign up at to get Parts 2 and 3! (Just scroll two-thirds of the way down to the bright yellow sign-up box).

Resource box:

Chris Zavadowski has gained top recongition online and in the MLM community for his unique ways of growing Internet businesses and MLM downlines! Having worked full-time from home since 2001, he’s spoken in front of crowds of over 500 to teach his successful way of working online.

Chris creates breakthrough online MLM marketing tools, and more details can by found at


Another Free Gift for You (and Your Downline)

If you’ve been a subscriber or customer for awhile, then you know I’m pretty picky about recommending people or resources to you. In fact, almost every day I get pitched on some new product or opportunity and turn them down (don’t worry – my tools are 100% generic – you’ll never get pitched to join my downline). I value my relationship with you a lot more than making a quick buck for clicking send on some fly-by-night program.

Recently, a good mentor of mine came out with an ebook that really got me thinking. In fact, it ties in perfectly with my success secrets and business mindset, and ironically – it matches up great with the subject of this month’s newsletter.

He’s a super-successful entrepreneur (and yep, he used to be in MLM a long time ago, too!) who has impacted literally thousands of people and their business. The very same day he published this new ebook, I called him up and practically forced him to let me share it with you (and your downlines). In fact – the reason he’s letting people give it away now is because I bugged the heck out of him. πŸ˜‰

He doesn’t usually publish content like this, so when he does…it’s great stuff. This new ebook is called "Guaranteed Success Thinking" and I think you’ll really love it.

Just click here to download your FREE copy now.


Advanced Notice for Killer Upcoming MLM Tool

Thank you to everyone who responded to my summer surveys about your biggest question about using email to recruit for your MLM – I got some GREAT responses. And everyone who responded was added to a special notification list which will be given a special advanced discount.

For my subscribers and clients, I wanted to extend the same advanced notification opportunity to you. I’m making thousands of dollars for my business month-in and month-out with email – and yes, despite what you read about spam and filters, email DOES still work.

If you want to get first crack at learning my secrets and seeing my special VIDEO and AUDIO training about email recruiting and prospecting, then click here to visit and sign up for free. This special resource is being created as we speak…and if you’re at all interested in using the Internet in your business, you don’t want to miss out!


Free Multi-Media Marketing Tips

From time to time, I get emails from people asking me marketing-related questions that don’t necessarily have to do with just MLM or network marketing. Pay-Per-Click questions. Marketing guru questions. Copywriting questions. How have I had so much success online. And more.

Good marketing skills and know-how are what help businesses thrive (and this is coming from a guy who performs and directs professionally – and got his "marketing degree" on with the side with REAL experiences). Many times I’ve wanted to let you know about a book, site or resource that is about more general marketing principles instead of ONLY MLM-related, but I know many of my subscribers delete anything that doesn’t say "MLM" on it.

So, I’ve decided to start a periodic MULTI-MEDIA tips newsletter all about my favorite marketing resources, websites, tools, gurus and more. It won’t be published on any specific schedule as I’ll be aiming for QUALITY and not quantity. But it will be full of great, actionable marketing tips and ideas each time – and I’ll even throw in audio and video for FREE.

If you’re interested, just click here to get on the FREE marketing tip list ($250/yr value).


Books and Resources You Should Check Out

Each month I try to read 2 or 3 new books – and I simply have to tell you about the latest three I got…

Right at the top of my recent favorite reads are Dan Kennedy’s newest books. He has
3 "No B.S." books out right now: No B.S. Sales Success, No
B.S. Time Management and No B.S. Business Success. These
books are each less than $10 (yes, that’s not a typo) and they’ll completely change the way you think about your business and time. Get them online from or Barnes and Noble or at a local bookstore. Best investment in books I’ve made in quite a long time.

As you saw me mention in the article above, Dan Kennedy is my #1 business mentor and I
recommend absolutely everything he has out there. He’s a brilliant teacher and advisor.

If you haven’t signed up for Dan’s newsletter you definitely need to subscribe to his FREE 3-month trial. You are charged only $5.95 for shipping and handling. That’s it. A total steal.

Click here to get your free trial.

(By the way – if you think what he teaches will NOT help you in your MLM business…you’re dead wrong. In fact, when you get hooked up with the trial, look at his back issues online. About 2 months ago, he did a sales letter critique for someone IN MLM who was using direct mail to prospect and build her business.

That same person’s letter was making her thousands of dollars BEFORE Dan’s comments…and now with Dan’s help, I’m scared to know the kind of results she’s getting. How hard would it be for you to adapt one of his letters to your business? Check out this special offer I arranged here.)


Upcoming MLM Mastermind Event

This is far and away the greatest generic MLM training event currently being produced anywhere. The trainers are first class and the people putting it together (Big Al and Art Jonak) are great people through and through. It gets 4 stars and the stamp of approval. Get all the details by clicking here (plus get tons of FREE reports, training and tele-seminars just for visiting the site).

(Note: Before I start getting tons of emails, no, I won’t be at this event. Since the beginning of this year, I’ve been booked to speak at another meeting of entrepreneurs on the other side of the country. But if I wasn’t booked – I’d be there for sure!)


Well, that about does it for this power-packed issue of Instant MLM Profit Secrets. Be sure to check out all the great free offers I gave you above – and share them with your downline as you see fit! (And feel free to let me know what you think of this month’s newsletter!)

To Your Success,


P.S. – Oh, I almost forgot. You can feel free to forward this entire issue to your friends. Or, if you’d rather they get it themselves, then have them send a blank email to [email protected] or visit to sign up.

P.P.S. – I promised you a picture of the va-va-voom bathing suit…so click here to see it. πŸ˜‰

P.P.S. – Here are some of the latest success stories from Instant MLM Sales Letters clients…

"Recently, I use one of your templates and amend some sentences to suit the Asian context and have some great results. I managed to sign up one distributor which I thinks is not to bad."

Eddy Kong

Click here to get instant access to

"Hi Chris,

You’ve come up with a terrific, exclusive, and badly-needed product! The moment I became a member, I fell in love with Instant MLM Sales Letters immediately. You’ve created a product everyone will use for years to come. There’s no doubt – you have a winner here.

To my surprise, I’ve also discovered a few business-building strategies I’ve never found anywhere else before. Take an example of how to create thousands of free leads (from Platinum package) and how to generate secondary income from lead generation program (downline training letter). They are just awesome.

Instant MLM Sales Letters templates must definitely be owned by all savvy networkers, regardless if they are building their businesses online or offline. It is so important that these networkers arm themselves with the right, the best and the most competent tools to grow a huge organization and to stay in a competitive market. This is the tool to get you ahead of your competition.

On the other hand, Chris, I must say that you are out of your mind by offering this at a low price you are selling now. The bonuses alone could cost everyone arms and legs. Yet, you offer this great product at the price everyone can afford. I THANK you for that.

Thank you for what you’ve contributed to the industry."

Zamri Nanyan
Penang, Malaysia

Click here for more information on

"I couldn’t resist the offers, but I had to see what I got for my money with the Basic. Once I saw how good it is and the value, I had to take the next step to Platinum. (Too bad you didn’t hold the special offer open for 1 week longer!)

I just finished listening to "Network Marketing In The Internet Age" by Terry Dean and Frank Garon. Very impressive! This is a ‘must’ for anyone who needs a helping hand from A to Z when it comes to the importance of autoresponders, leads, what’s most important to cover in the phone script when contacting your leads, leadership skills, and most importantly, the psychology of people as it relates to sales.

I really learned a lot and feel fired up and ready to go. At least now I have a duplicatable plan for once… from people who have ‘been there – done that’ and made huge profits. No guesswork, just facts that work.

Thanks again for the bonuses in the Platinum package!

Kind Regards,

Steve Graham, Massachusetts"

If you aren’t yet an client and you want to get results like the people above, then sign up today – with zero risk on your part! Click here for all the details.


  1. Bob Cadle says:



    Hope that is not the way it appears in final stage. Mrs Schafersman would kick my tail and use that damned ruler of hers if she saw a non paragraphed jumbled up mess. My hand is still sore after fifty years.

    Chris…….I am a customer of yours.

    I was also pleased to be on the call with Jim Edwards and you, and felt (and it’s been a while since I have) that as a person he was sincere and gave a great deal “away” on that call. I signed for it, Pay Pal messed up, so we are at a cancel and re order stage.

    Your new format is quite nice and colorful.

    Here is my impression:

    1. I would change the font to Arial or such and raise it a point or so in size.

    2. Chris, you are an exuberant and helpful guy and obviously a money earner, but I really think that there is so much info, so many places to “click” that one can easily get confused and just jump off.

    Perhaps , as is in your own advice from place to place, do ONE or TWO things very very well and don’t try to sell the “whole store” on one blog/sales letter.

    eZines are supposed to carry good and free information of value, which yours certainly do, but are not to be one big long click here to buy this , click there to buy this, and the like.

    I like you personally, bought from you, but I really get tired of getting oodles of mail and each and every one is merely an effort to get me to buy yet another HYPER INCREDIBLE ONE OF A KIND NONE OTHER LIKE HIM OR HER, SUPERMAN AND WONDERWOMAN ALL IN ONE, CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT THIS INFORMATION.

    Again, you asked for comments, I am giving you mine. I enjoy getting information, but I am tired right up to my chin of getting twenty to thirty attempts per day to get me to part with that magic 197.00 for what turns out to be yet another identical “guru” with yet another “back end” to hit me with.

    After saying “the hell with it”, in a moment caused no doubt by eating sugar in the form of a Starbucks Chocolate Muffin, before I could stop my fingers, I actually ordered Stephan D’s “million hits your website”.

    My own fault. I wish I had applied that money towards Jim Edward’s course, for once again, the way to riches is by means of your own list.


    And the way to get that list is to sell his “million” course and gather a commission while so doing and getting my own list in the process.

    Fine. Nice.

    But it doesn’t take a lot of smarts to know that if they are on MY list as a result of my efforts to acquire them, they are ON HIS LIST AS WELL, and away we go.

    Can I outcompete him at this stage in sending what is now OUR list information or offers?


    In my early days of “shoe leather” MLM, and yes, I was in the top producer’s club with the best known weight management MLM in history, the same gimmick was used when all manner of “newspapers” and “journals” were offered under MLM News, MLM secrets, etc and Newbies flocked to put their downlines into these “helpful” MLM building deals, only to lose them as the hot shots then besieged the hard earned downlines with the latest hot deal of theirs.

    The net has certainly sophisticated that con.

    So it is a pleasure to find you personally, for your sincerity comes through, as did Jim Edwards, but I truly will not wade through your blog/info as it is constituted, for it is hard to read print (not everyone is 21 years old) and there is simply too many clicks, too much offered.

    Jim Rohn taught us this Jewell way way back twenty three years ago


    How true that is.

    And easy to understand. Much like the ease with which an Irishman understands women.

    See my course:Women 101…………(LOL)

    You asked, I told. No disrespect or smarty pants intended in any way. I am a customer and will remain so, just as I am anxious to put the money aside for the Jim Edwards course, thanks to you. And yes , you can buy me a muffin from your commish.

    El Bob

  2. Hi Bob,

    First, thanks for the taking your personal time to post your feedback and comments. I appreciate it! I know the “blog” format is new for a lot of people…so the commenting is something new for people get used to. Glad to have you hear!

    In response to your comments…I don’t take offense at any of them! Let me clear up a few things that I think will help put your mind at ease (and hopefully others)…

    This is/was the last of the “long-ass” newsletters. If you’ve been a subscriber for awhile, then you saw in past newsletters…they got their own webpage and were laid out a little differently…so the LONG format worked quite well. (We got loads of testimonials and “thank you’s” after every single one we published).

    Now, once of the biggest reasons I moved to a blog format is to have much more frequent postings, with smaller chunks. I’ll still be hitting the same topics…tips, philosophies, videos, articles, books to read. But each one will be a separate post, probably 3-4 a month.

    I know people are busier than ever and are bombarded with content, so I want to move to smaller, bite-size chunks – I completely agree with you! I hinted at it in the beginning of this last newsletter, but wanted to clear that up here for everyone. (Plus, I’ve seen survey data that proves the shorter, quicker posts will be received better, too).

    As for the “sell-a-thon” that happens on the Internet, I know how you feel. I’m on TONS of lists and get constant pitches – some worthwhile and some not. The only way to get ahead and get the slight edge IS by investing in new tools, mentors, resources, etc. Hopefully after being my customer for awhile, you’ll realize I throw a good chunk of content into the mix, too, and don’t send out “guru of the week” emails.

    My mentors and friends (of which Jim Edwards has become)…all WAY overdeliver on content and value, and that’s always my goal in everything I do. (As a customer, I’m sure you’ve seen that in all the free bonuses you’ve received). I try to deliver 10x to 100x the value each time.

    There will, from time to time, be additional resources and opportunities offered. After all, I do run a business and have bills to pay just like everyone else. πŸ™‚

    But keep in mind…(and hopefully you’ve realized this) I’m VERY picky up on what I’ll recommend. I’m not one to trade my reputation for a commission. Everything I do to help you guys is 100% generic (one of the reasons I never pitch anyone on any MLM opportunity ever). And these aren’t just empty words – but stay on my list for awhile and you’ll see it holds very true. πŸ˜‰

    It’s my job to present different tools and strategies to successfully build your business…and it’s your job (or anyone else reading this) to pick and choose what will work for you.

    With that having been said, I’m glad you enjoyed the call I did with Jim Edwards ( for those who don’t know what he means.) We got some amazing testimonials and feedback. The 90 minute free call we had was FULL of profitable tips information. Jim and I are already talking about creating some new sites and resources together. He’s one of the “good guys” online, so I hope it happens. πŸ™‚

    As for your comments about the format itself, it’s a new site, so we’re working out the kinks. πŸ™‚ Thanks for reporting that formatting problem you had…I’ll have my designer look into it and hopefully fix it. Just emailed her! (By the way, there’s a “text size” setting in both IE and Firefox…which allows you to increase the font size if you want).


    A much longer response than I anticipated…but hopefully it clears things up. I’m glad to have you as a client and newsletter reader…and I look forward to helping your business even more in the future, Bob!

    To your success,

    Chris πŸ™‚

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